Pinterest Update

So yes, I will be shamelessly (or not so) using my blog to conquer and divide my Pinterest adventures.

My most recent Pinterest adventure involved making BAKED mozzarella sticks.  How fantastic, I thought, to have a healthier version of something I could eat on a daily basis.  The food of champions!

It seemed so simple. Cut up the mozzarella sticks, freeze them, roll them in flour/egg/bread crumbs and bake. I even noticed several comments about being careful because those  divine mozz sticks would melt like butter on a beach if you didn’t freeze them long enough. I figured I was apt enough to not have butter on a beach escapades.

What ended up actually occurring… was more like butter in a tanning bed while on a beach. It was a  level of mozzarella meltdown worse than that of a toddler in the terrible two’s. After a mere 8 minutes, my highly anticipated mozzarella sticks were flat, crispy, and unrecognizable. It was luck I happened to check in on them when I did, or I have a feeling I’d be telling a story about how I set off the smoke alarms.  (And yes, I’m married to to a chef.)

Luckily, I quickly discovered the error of my ways.  When freezing, longer is better. Many other Pinteresters ended up recommending a freeze time of 1 hr or more, not a mere 30 minutes.

Stay tuned for “Mozz Sticks: The Revival!” (sarcasm…or not.)

The highly anticipated FIRST blog post!

To answer the key questions I feel you may be wondering….

WHO are you?

I am a graduate student, a future school psychologist,  a friend, a wife, a daughter, a sister…I am many things.

WHY are you blogging?

I am blogging because I love to write and interact with other people about a variety of things and this appears to be a good way to do so.  🙂

WHAT is your blog about?

My blog will cover everything from my thoughts on school psychology and the adventures the field brings to the book I most recently read…or didn’t read.

DO you muse in crayon?

I don’t, but wouldn’t doing so make life a little more interesting? No, my blog title is based off  my future occupation and love of “playing school” .

DISCLAIMER:  This blog is entirely personal. Any stories or anecdotes related to school have the name and location changed for privacy and safety of staff and students. The views in this blog are not necessarily the views of my graduate program or employer.

Jennifer Daniels Neal

songs, stories, and creative community

Beth's List Love

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